BROOKLYN, NY, March 2, 2016: Today, the Prospect Heights Neighborhood Development Council (PHNDC) announced that 612 contributing buildings have been added to the neighborhood’s National Register historic district, bringing the total number of buildings in the district to 917. The buildings were added to National Register of Historic Places by the National Park Service on February 16. The expanded district boundary includes properties on Flatbush Avenue, Vanderbilt Avenue, Washington Avenue, Underhill Avenue, Bergen Street, St. Marks Avenue, Prospect Place, Park Place, Sterling Place and Butler Place.
“This action by the National Park Service is a reminder that, in the face of tremendous development pressure, Brooklyn’s historic neighborhoods remain a national treasure whose preservation is essential to the borough’s future,” said PHNDC chair Gib Veconi. “The 19th century rowhouses and apartment buildings of brownstone Brooklyn continue to teach us about how these neighborhoods helped to form a thriving community as the city’s population expanded. They are also often still home to the long-time residents who have shaped the character of Brooklyn. Preserving these historic resources also means preserving our community.”