The Prospect Heights Neighborhood Development Council

Reimagine Prospect Park
Start Date: 
June 10, 2017 - 12:00pm - 2:00pm
Topic : 
Open space
Sponsored By: 
Prospect Park Alliance
Prospect Park Boathouse
United States

Prospect Park Alliance is seeking community input on uses and activities for a redesign of the Rose Garden, a little-known area in the northeast corner of the Park.

Join the Alliance, community members and park users on Saturday, June 10th at Prospect Park’s Boathouse from 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm to share your vision for what you want to see in the reimagined Rose Garden. The day’s event will feature fun educational activities for the kids, an open house exhibit about the Rose Garden, and an interactive group activity where you’ll build a 3D model of your vision for the site!

Your input will directly impact the redesign and programming of the new space. Bring your family and friends and make the Rose Garden a place that reflects your community! RSVPs appreciated but not required. Visit to RSVP or contact outreach@prospectpark.orgwith questions.

Open to: 
General public (RSVP requested)