The Prospect Heights Neighborhood Development Council

Blue Marble Street Seat info session
Start Date: 
August 24, 2017 - 8:00pm
Sponsored By: 
Blue Marble Ice Cream
Blue Marble Ice Cream
186 Underhill Avenue
United States

Street Seats is a citywide program managed by the Department of Transportaton where local partners apply to transform underused streets into vibrant, social public spaces during the warm weather months. Street Seats are installed in the roadbed along the curb line to create an attractive setting for eating, reading, working, meeting a friend or taking a rest.

Blue Marble Ice Cream plans to apply for a Street Seat in front of its store on Underhill Avenue (between Sterling Place and St. Johns Place). A description of the plan is available here. The proposed seating would replace one and one half parking spaces on the block. The Street Seat may be used by anyone, whether or not he or she is a customer of the store. Blue Marble would maintain plantings around the Street Seat, and otherwise keep the area clean.

Blue Marble will hold two info session meetings for community members interested in the proposal. The first will held on Monday, August 21 at 6:00PM, and the second will take place on Thursday, August 24 at 8:00PM.

Open to: 
General public