The Prospect Heights Neighborhood Development Council

Open space
Open space refers to parks, playgrounds and other outdoor amenities located in or adjacent to Prospect Heights.

Free trees for your yard from FGA and FAB Alliance

Posted: April 4, 2010 - 1:40pm

On April 17-18, 2010, over 200 FREE TREES will be available for people to plant in their front yard... back yard... at their church... in the ground on any private property. It is part of the Million Trees initiative, and the FAB Alliance is proud to be co-hosting this event along with the Fort Greene Association's "Green Fort Greene & Clinton Hill".

Community Forest initiative to protect Prospect Heights trees

Posted: March 15, 2010 - 7:17pm

As New York City moves forward with plans to plant hundreds of thousands of new street trees throughout the five boroughs, residents of Prospect Heights are stepping up to the plate to care for our “urban forest.” The Prospect Heights Community Forest Initiative is working with our block associations, community gardens, and merchant groups, to provide residents and merchants with the knowledge, skills, material resources and organizational assistance necessary to become trusted stewards of their urban environment.